Director Chester CHU 朱裕誠 處長 

Mobile : + 886 975 556 852

Email : chester.chu@wyo.gov

Capital City: Cheyenne

首府: 夏岩城 

Nicknames: The Cowboy State, The Equality State

暱稱: 牛仔州,平等州

Motto: Equal Rights 

座右銘: 平等權利

Date of Statehood: July 10, 1890 - 44th state

加入聯盟日期: 1890年7月10日 - 第44州

Area: 253,325 square kilometers (9th largest state)

面積: 253325平方公里, 第9大州

Population: About 580,000 people 

人口: 約 五十八萬

Geography: Wyoming is a rectangular state bordered by Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, and Utah. The west is mountainous (Rocky Mountains), and the east is a high plain (High Plains). It has two national parks: Yellowstone and Grand Teton.

地理: 本州呈長方形,北鄰蒙大拿州,東鄰南達科他州和內布拉斯加州;南面是科羅拉多州,西部是猶州。懷俄明的西半部分幾乎都為落基山脈所覆蓋,而東部則是高海 拔被稱為Gigh Plains的大草原。懷俄明境內有兩個國家公園: 黃石和大提頓。

Economy: Wyoming's economy mainly depends on tourism and minerals like natural gas, soda ash, and oil. Key agricultural products include barley, wheat, hay, and wool. In 2020, Wyoming's GDP was $39.21 billion. 

經濟: 懷俄明州的經濟主要依靠旅遊業和礦產比如天然氣、天然鹼和石油。其農產品主要包含大麥、小麥乾、草和羊毛。2020年,懷俄明的地區GDP為392.1億美元。

Minerals and Energy: Wyoming also has coal, uranium, and other ores. Coal production peaked in 2008. In 2020, Wyoming produced 210 million short tons of coal, down 21% from 2019. 

礦產和能源: 除了以上提到的三種能源外,懷俄明還有煤炭、鈾和礦石等資源。其煤炭開採在2008年達到了頂峰。在2020年,懷俄明生了2.1億短噸的煤炭[9],比2019年少了21%。

Climate: Wyoming has four distinct seasons, with a generally cold and dry climate. 



Agricultural Technology and Products 農業技術及農產品

Blockchain Technology 區塊錬技術

Data Center & IT 資訊中心

Wind Energy 風能源

Outdoor Recreation 戶外活動

Advance Manufaturing 製造業

Hydrogen 氫能源

Nuclear 碳捕捉

Emerging Energy Opportunities 新興能源機遇

Carbon Capture 碳捕獲

Controlled Environment Agriculture 受控環境農業

Investment Advantages in Wyoming


Tax Benefits 


Wyoming is the most business-friendly state in the U.S., offering five years of top rankings. With no corporate or personal income tax, no inventory, franchise, occupation, or value-added taxes, and sales tax exemptions for certain industries, Wyoming is an ideal place for investment.


Financial and Industry Investment 


The Wyoming state government manages over $20 billion in deposits and trusts, with billions invested in infrastructure for public and private enterprises. The state also offers easy access to business loans and venture capital, fostering growth and innovation.




Despite an aging population, Wyoming's second-largest age group is 20-29 years old. With a median age of 36.9 years, Wyoming ranks 14th in the U.S. for having a younger population.




Wyoming values workers' rights, with a labor force of nearly 300,000 and 7.1% unionized. The state offers a free job matching system and provides training subsidies of $1,000 to $4,000 per worker for skill upgrades.


Transportation Network 


Wyoming is well-connected with extensive road networks linking it to the U.S. and North America. Key highways like I-15 connect Los Angeles to Canada, and I-80 and I-90 cross the state. With 1,868 miles of railroads and 10 commercial airports, Wyoming is ideal for manufacturing, transportation,and warehousing businesses.




Wyoming ranks in the top 10 states for K-12 education investment. About 92.3% of residents aged 25 and older have at least a high school diploma, and 25.7% hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. The state also boasts the best internet connectivity in schools nationwide, supported by a strong public network infrastructure.


Quality of Life 


Wyoming offers abundant outdoor activities with two national parks, a national monument, 12 state parks, five national forests, and vast open spaces for fishing and biking. The state also has seven ski resorts and hosts many Western cowboy-themed cultural events.




Wyoming is a major producer of coal, natural gas, and crude oil, thanks to its rich geological resources. Although it's one of the least populous states, it exports more energy than any other state. Additionally, Wyoming boasts some of the best wind resources in the nation, offering excellent energy conditions for businesses.




朱裕誠 處長 (Chester Chu, Director)

蔡婉兒 經理 (Eva Choi, Manager)